Seven good reasons to use Twitter

You’ve got a great sales team, loyal customers and healthy growth, so why bother with Twitter? Well, with around 15 million people in the UK actively using Twitter, you need to be there amongst them. It’s vital to go where your customers go, for your marketing to be...

Do you use influencer marketing to get results?

Influencer marketing has become an important part of marketing strategy. It now accounts for a significant part of marketing budgets, according to a report by Tomoson. The platform considered to be the most effective for influencer marketing is blogs. We agree....

Your customers are on Twitter, are you?

To put your marketing plan into action, you need to go where your customers go. Otherwise they won’t see or hear what you can do to make their lives and their businesses better. And if they don’t know about you, they won’t be buying from you. So if your customers are...

Think mobile! With fast, robust web hosting

At the Digital Marketing Show, Raja Saggi, Head of B2B Marketing at Google made the case for thinking mobile. In fact he advocates that to realise the true value of mobile, you need to live, breathe and think it. Why is mobile so important? 7.4  devices per household...