Online marketing
Quite simply, you want your website to be attractive to both human beings and search engine spiders. Whilst you’ll be able to judge whether your website is appealing to potential customers in terms of its contents, design and layout, knowing whether it’s pleasing to...
Digital, Online marketing, Social media
You know your customers use social media. They spend time on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to name just a few. You know that to be successful you need a presence in the places your customers go. That means being on social media is as important as advertising in that...
Online marketing
Even the most non-mathematical amongst us know that Google works as a search engine by using algorithms. It breaks down our searches for things like “web design agency”, “local accountant” or “drone photographer” into a step by step set of mathematical rules which...
Emarketing, Online marketing
In response to the situation where more and more people access the internet from mobile devices like smartphones, Google has implemented changes to prioritise websites that can be easily used on mobiles. In other words, today’s websites need to be mobile-friendly to...
Digital, Email marketing, Online marketing
There are many ways to communicate with customers. The choices are getting bigger. The budget allocation decisions tougher. But don’t forget, in all of this, to keep email marketing at the heart of your marketing strategy. Email marketing matters Email marketing is so...
Communications, Content marketing, Online marketing
We all know blogging is a good thing. The news you post adds depth to your website. It pushes you up the search rankings. It drives visitors to your website. Then it helps to generate leads. So that’s all good. But what types of blogs should you write. Here are 7 sure...
Design, Digital, Online marketing, Web design
Websites are better second time around! At least that was the case for our client Anna Coen. Her business, AC Integration, is all about providing fast and targeted support to help senior professionals step up to the challenge of leadership. So when we created the...
Digital, Online marketing
At the Digital Marketing Show, Raja Saggi, Head of B2B Marketing at Google made the case for thinking mobile. In fact he advocates that to realise the true value of mobile, you need to live, breathe and think it. Why is mobile so important? 7.4 devices per household...
Communications, Online marketing, Social media
Almost half of small and medium businesses in England use social media as part of their marketing. This is the finding of a 2015 survey by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills. Top 3 social media platforms Whilst there are many, many different platforms...
Online marketing, Social media, Websites
On 21 April Google is making changes to its algorithms. I know, you’re thinking, “What’s new, Google is always making changes!” It’s constantly improving its search service. So far so good. Except this is a big change. It affects which websites will come up in mobile...
Communications, Online marketing, Social media
Do you know when it’s the best time to share your news on twitter, LinkedIn and facebook? Here are the stats that tell you when! By posting when more users are on social media you can increase shares, retweets and clickthroughs. In a nutshell, the best times to post...
Clients, Design, Online marketing, Web design
With 1/3 of web visits from mobiles and tablets it’s essential that your website works well on them. Of course that still means many websites are seen on a full screen PC. 32% of UK page views to websites are made from a mobile device – 24% mobile phones –...
Emarketing, Online marketing
For a website to work well it needs visitors who will engage with your brand, be persuaded by your offering and buy your products or services. No traffic = no enquiries or sales. You could build your online profile and optimise your website so that you are found more...
Campaigns, Marketing insights, Online marketing, Social media, Video
For the first time Google has released stats that reveal what UK YouTube users are like. Campaign magazine explains that while popular belief would have it that all YouTube users are young, have little influence and think online content should be free, the reality...
Email marketing, Marketing services, Online marketing, Social media, Web design, Websites
If you intend to make 2014 the year that you really get to grips with digital marketing, we can point you in the direction of some excellent training courses, hosted and organised by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). We’ve been providing communications...
Online marketing, Social media
Instagram has published an online guide to help businesses understand how they can use the service to connect with communities online. Since the acquisition of Instagram by Facebook in 2012, the popularity of the site has hit an all time high. Now, top name brands...
Online marketing, Social media
Snapchat is taking the social media world by storm, so let us unravel it for you. This rapidly growing mobile app lets users connect with others by sending photos that automatically disappear after 10 seconds. It’s been around for a little while now, and businesses...
Online marketing, Web design, Websites
Digital research experts, eMarketer, predict the amount that companies are spending on mobile marketing will soar a staggering 400% over the coming years. That’s from $8.4 billion in 2012, to a predicted $37 billion in 2016. But how do you decide if your brand or...
Marketing insights, Online marketing
You’ve probably heard people talking about Jelly. But what is it? It’s the new social search app from the co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone and Chief Technology Officer Ben Finkel who was the co-founder of Fluther, a Q&A service bought by Twitter in 2010. It’s...
Communications, Marketing and design, Marketing services, Online marketing, Social media, Web design
Our warm congratulations go to Ade Onilude who has been recognised in the Power List of Black Women in Europe™ for her work as Founder of the Women in Marketing Awards for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Ade is a member of this leading marketing institute...