We know a clever application when we see one. This new interactive web mapping tool, launched by one of our clients, Cadcorp, is one of them.
Cadcorp provides hi-tech geographic mapping software which is used for many different applications, from the emergency services to commercial asset management. We’ve worked with them since 2004 when we re-developed their website and we continually provide web management services for them now.
Cadcorp were commissioned by St Albans City and District Council and this software was used to create a new application called Local Information Service. By pinpointing an address in the town, you can find the nearest school, train station, business, shopping precinct, advice centre and many other useful locations and landmarks.
It’s simple to navigate and manipulate the search criteria to your exact specifications. For example, with specific reference to your address, you can check when your waste and recycling collection is due, find the name and contact details of your local ward councillors, find your nearest library or household recycling centre and report anti-social behaviour such as fly-tipping and graffiti.
You can even discover local planning applications, building constraints and public sector asset data, which would be essential for businesses in the town, and those looking to locate there. Hopefully more Councils will utilise this software in the future.
It really is a mine of information, take a look.