ExhibitionsWhen you decide to invest your marketing budget on space at an exhibition you’ll want your display to be effective and bring in potential customers. You certainly don’t want them to walk past your stand. That’s what our client Data Energy wanted too. So, Marketing Zone created a clearly branded exhibition display with compelling sales messages to tell attendees what the company offers.

That’s great for getting people to be aware of what you do, but how about getting them involved so they don’t walk past? We sourced a buzzer game and personalised it to the service on offer with a graphics panel. The game was a great ice-breaker. It drew people onto the stand. And made it very easy for staff manning the stand to get into serious conversations about energy supply which led to new business.

Tell me more about the exhibition?

Data Energy provides a unique energy procurement and management service for managing agents who manage property portfolios, and in particular, residential apartment blocks. Energy supply for apartment blocks is undergoing huge change. The technology used to create and distribute heat within buildings has changed, so have the legal requirements for measuring consumption and for billing individual residents. Developers and the managing agents that look after their buildings need more support than ever with the supply and management of energy to their buildings. It’s never been easy but now it’s downright complex.

What’s on offer?

Whilst some older buildings need to be retro-fitted with kit to comply with the law, in a bold move for this industry, Data Energy offers to help get the set-up right from the start, before and during the construction of new apartment block developments. That way the system design, contracts, maintenance regime and commissioning will enable managing agents to run the ideal heat network, once flats are sold and the building is occupied. What’s more, once the new network has been set-up they offer innovative ways of recovering energy costs including pay as you go heating.

What exhibition kit was needed?

Marketing Zone created exhibition materials that demonstrate that Data Energy is ahead of the competition with its innovative approach and advanced energy supply services. The overall focus was the company’s ability to help developers get their heat networks right from the get-go.

We supplied:

Buzzer game: ‘The ideal heat network for blocks’
While playing the game, you work your way through 6 stages to reach the ideal heat network.

Exhibition stand: ‘6 steps to a successful network’
The stand shows the stages when it’s possible to have a positive impact on the heating infrastructure of a new building.

Leaflet: ‘Heat billing your blueprint for action’
The leaflet explains the new legal obligation and explains what should be done to comply with the law.

Counter display: ‘New pay as you go heating for blocks’
Once you’ve created the ideal network, the counter display shows all the benefits of running the network with innovative pay as you go heating.

If you’d like to make sure your marketing gets a reaction chat to Mark at Marketing Zone on 07801 419800, email mark@marketingzone.co.uk or tweet @MarketingZoneUK