For the first time Google has released stats that reveal what UK YouTube users are like.
Campaign magazine explains that while popular belief would have it that all YouTube users are young, have little influence and think online content should be free, the reality based on this IpsosMediaCT research is different.
The stats show YouTube users are responsive to ads, happy to buy digital content and interested in trying new products. All of which can make them valuable customers. And that makes YouTube a useful platform for brands
The survey shows:
- 74% of YouTube users are aged 13-64 years old.
- Almost half are connected to at least 100 other people online.
- YouTube users are also twice as likely to buy digital books and films compared to non-YouTube users.
- Users of YouTube are twice as innovative with 31% saying they would try a new product compared to just 14% of non-YouTube users.
- Having seen a YouTube advert one fifth of people look for more information online.
If you’re wondering how you could use YouTube for your brands and business, take a look at some of the success stories for yourself.
To talk to Marketing Zone about your marketing needs contact Mark on 07801 419800, email or tweet @MarketingZoneUK.