I’m Jake and for the duration of this working week I will be working at Marketing Zone on work experience. I go to Freman College, and as part of the curriculum, all students have to take a week out of standard education in year 10 and go and get a taste of life in the workplace.

I chose to work for this company because in the future I am planning on getting into marketing and eventually having a similar sort of set up to Marketing Zone. Today has shown me what life in the workplace is like and how I would go about achieving this in later life. I started with a briefing by M.D Mark Ganellin in which I was instructed as to what tasks I should carry out today. I began with a report update which involved updating and recording the blog posts, I then moved on to other tasks such as making boxes, which proved to be quite satisfying! I will be updating this blog everyday this week and I shall be looking forward to working here until Friday as I hope it will be both informative and enriching. Expect a further update tomorrow!