Today is my third day on work experience with Marketing Zone and I am enjoying my time here. Today I started by carrying on with tasks set for me on my first day, such as finishing the spreadsheet for the blog report and editing our viral ads. After working on that for a while, we went in to the other room and had a briefing about my next assignment to do with search engine optimisation. It involved using an internet tool to find the most commonly searched for terms and phrases to do with the product/s that the client is trying to sell.

After returning from lunch, I set about finishing off the keyword optimisation task and went on to make amendments to blogs that I had set out in the earlier blog report. I completed these tasks then moved onto researching product names; I started to scan through competitors websites and took notes on their product names. This was to ensure when it comes to naming products we don’t end up with similar names to our client’s rivals.

That’s pretty much my day in a nutshell, expect another blog post tomorrow.