Tag clouds often show up on blogs and even on some websites. They don’t usually take up too much space – depending on how the site organises its home page. They’re a visual depiction of the tags or keywords that contributors have attached to their content. These could be the terms used in a post on social marketing, or it could be the location a photo was taken. Most tags are single words. And they can be arranged in alphabetical order. Tags that are used more frequently appear bolder or larger. They may also use a different colour. If a blog post, for example, gets lots of responses, its tags will become more prominent. All the tags are hyperlinked to their content.
The advantage of tag clouds is simple. Visitors to your site can find out quickly what your content is about. And, they can decide what they want to go to. In a sense, it’s a table of contents that’s easy to look at and tells you at a glance what’s popular and interesting.