Every community has them. Individuals who make their town a better place to work and live, through their unpaid, helpful actions. In Marketing Zone’s base of Buntingford, Hertfordshire, we’re delighted to be involved in the campaign to find and thank these heroes with a new community award.

Buntingford Unsung Hero Award

This project is a joint initiative from Buntingford Town Council, the town’s Civic Society and the Buntingford Chamber of Commerce. Marketing Zone has been called upon to provide local marketing support so that the community becomes aware of the Award and feels motivated to nominate the candidates that they feel deserve to win.

The joint organisers will promote the Award through their networks, and the Award has already been announced in the much-read local publication, the Buntingford Journal.

What did Marketing Zone do?

To get this new Award underway Marketing Zone has provided tangible resources that the joint organisers needed in order to turn this great idea into a reality.

  • We took the rather long working title of ‘Community Person of the Year Award’ and proposed snappier alternatives with the ‘Unsung Hero Award’ being chosen.
  • A bold design for the award was created in optimistic and eye-catching yellow tones that stand out from the design of other local projects.
  • A new Award landing page was added to the Chamber of Commerce website with details of the award and an online nomination form for entries provided. Plus, the shortcut web address www.b-hero.co.uk was set-up for use in print to direct people to this page.
  • New A5-sized leaflets, which include a nomination form, were designed and printed for distribution to every household and voluntary groups in the town.
  • Social media images were designed, correctly sized for use by the joint organisers on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

If you know someone in Buntingford who deserves to be recognised for their voluntary contribution you can nominate them here.

Planning a product launch? Got a seasonal offer?

Every campaign needs a different suite of support to make it work well. If you’d like help with a new marketing campaign for your business just speak to Mark at Marketing Zone on 07801 419800, or email mark@marketingzone.co.uk