To put your marketing plan into action, you need to go where your customers go. Otherwise they won’t see or hear what you can do to make their lives and their businesses better. And if they don’t know about you, they won’t be buying from you. So if your customers are avid readers of a special interest magazine, you need to be there in print. If they listen to BBC Three Counties radio on their drive to work, you need to be there on the airwaves. If they network on LinkedIn, you need to be there as part of that network. And if they’re on Twitter, you need to be there too. Despite media reports that Twitter growth has levelled off, there’s a whopping 320 million active users worldwide.
In the UK Twitter has more than 15 million monthly active users, that’s almost one in four people. There are 3 times more active Twitter users than there are monthly readers of The Times, which has 5 million readers of its print and online news. Over 80% of those on Twitter access it from their mobiles, with around a third checking their Twitter feed many times during the day
Because millions of people are on Twitter, and take it with them wherever they go, make sure you’re there too. It’s a great way to connect, learn, build your brand, improve your service and create opportunities for more sales.
For help to get started, or use Twitter more consistently, talk to Mark on 07801 419800, email or tweet @MarketingZoneUK