UK consumers love to spend online and more people now use mobile devices, than ever before according to IMRG (the Interactive Media in Retail Group), the UK’s e-retail association.

EcommerceVisa Europe forecasts 7.7 million transactions with £450 million spent online, making 2nd December – mega Monday – the busiest online shopping day ever with transactions up 16% on 2012.

John Lewis reports mobile orders have doubled compared to last year with 42% of online traffic coming from smartphones and tablets.

Mobile purchases now account for 27% of all online spend according to the IMRG Capgemini e-retail index.

It’s hardly surprising that ecommerce sales continue to romp ahead with the majority (84%) of British adults having internet access and 73% using the internet every day. Many (60%) can now access the internet via a mobile device – and if you’re young then 90% of you have mobile internet – making it easy to shop wherever you are.

This year the proportion of people buying online reached 72% according to the Office for National Statistics.

For information on ecommerce and responsive web design – which ensures your website is accessible to mobile devices – talk to Marketing Zone. Call Mark on 01763 274440, email or tweet @MarketingZoneUK.